Another Day On Call
Flight Attendant Life
Just sitting at home reading my Mary Kay Andrews book ‘Hello, Summer’ and continuing to decline work.
I have been stressed about hours for weeks. I am stressed about money. I am stressed about my flying schedule and then I turned down 4 pairings because I just didn’t feel like working.
What is wrong with me?
Nothing. Nothing is the answer to that.
Nothing is wrong with me. I am just listening to my body. More times than not I don’t have the option to decline so it was kind of nice to just say no.
I am very much enjoying taking care of things. I am very much enjoying just being home, with my honey, and existing in the same space.
Travel is going to start to get real in the fall. I have a lot of important plans and I need to budget so those things can happen.
That being said — that is later and this is now.
The fridge is stocked, iced coffee is chilling and I am enjoying the cool breeze on my butt while I lay on the bed in the spare room typing this.
But as it happens (it is now the next day)…
I am now in Winnipeg.
That escalated very quickly but the jist of the situation is I started to let my guard down and I got a little bit cocky and then bam.
I saw a work email flash on my phone and it was a ticket for a same day travel, deadhead to Vancouver. 10 mins later crew scheduling called and assigned me a little 3 day pairing.
A Winnipeg overnight nestled in at the airport hotel and a Halifax overnight in the downtown hotel location. This pairing is more deadheads than flying and lots of down time.
I am pretty okay with it.
I didn’t sleep well last night in Winnipeg. It is one flight to Halifax today, a nice little 3 hours flight, then an overnight in Halifax.
I always had this deep routed impression that if I declined work I would be stuck with a gross paring. Surprisingly this is super chill with a pretty wicked crew. I think it is a win. And, a lesson in being more picky if and when you can.
I was dragging out the hairwashing at home so I needed to do that this morning with the wierd smelling shampoo in the hotel. Hopefully a little bath and body works mist will cover the manly smell that lingers in my hair.
I am in my hotel room, scantily clad, trying to see if I can get an italki instant lesson booking while I work on this post.
(Teaching English is my side hustle that makes me not enough money because I have awful availability because of flying)
I am also trying to brain storm fundraisers for the “build trip” I am doing. Because I need to raise another grand. All in all things are great.
I have decided that I am shifting my mindset. I am thinking positive things. And that is just how it is going to roll out.
Manifesting good stuff happens when you actually believe good things can happen.
Anyway — time has come. Off to the terminal. Time to Work.