Another Day On Call

That Girl Named Carol
3 min readAug 15, 2022

Flight Attendant Life

Just sitting at home reading my Mary Kay Andrews book ‘Hello, Summer’ and continuing to decline work.

I have been stressed about hours for weeks. I am stressed about money. I am stressed about my flying schedule and then I turned down 4 pairings because I just didn’t feel like working.

What is wrong with me?

Nothing. Nothing is the answer to that.

Nothing is wrong with me. I am just listening to my body. More times than not I don’t have the option to decline so it was kind of nice to just say no.

I am very much enjoying taking care of things. I am very much enjoying just being home, with my honey, and existing in the same space.

Travel is going to start to get real in the fall. I have a lot of important plans and I need to budget so those things can happen.

That being said — that is later and this is now.

The fridge is stocked, iced coffee is chilling and I am enjoying the cool breeze on my butt while I lay on the bed in the spare room typing this.

Actually Photo of me trying to keep up with the whirl wind that is flight attendant life.

But as it happens (it is now the next day)…

I am now in Winnipeg.

That escalated very quickly but the jist of the situation is I started to let my guard down and I…



That Girl Named Carol

Retired Barista and globe trottin’ English Teacher turned Architectural Technologist turned Flight Attendant out in the world trying to live the dream.