Embracing Life Like I Embrace Delays, Cancelations and Work Preparation.

That Girl Named Carol
3 min readMay 19, 2022

The life of a flight attendant sometimes seems so elite, but the reality is — it can be really tough.

Tough because it is demanding on your body. It is not natural to be hopping through time changes and being in a continued state of exhaustion and jetleg. It isn’t natural to be forcing yourself to sleep before the sunsets and then waking up in the middle of the night like it’s normal.

I have been back to flying for about 2.5 months.

I am 100% still readjusting to the lifestyle.

I am adjusting to being gone for days on end. I am adjusting to packing all the time. I am adjusting to crazy last minutes changes that affect my routine.

This morning I was supposed to catch the shuttle at 530AM. It is now 750AM and I am sitting in Cora’s across from my hotel eating a vegetarian keto breakfast because while I was getting ready this AM crew scheduling called and there was a mechanical with the airplane and we now have a 5-hour delay. I couldn’t get back to sleep because I had already chugged my first coffee and I went to bed at 830PM in preparation for an early start AND for a super long flying day.

Now, I am hanging out — editing, writing and just enjoying my coffee and I don’t need to be at work until…



That Girl Named Carol

Retired Barista and globe trottin’ English Teacher turned Architectural Technologist turned Flight Attendant out in the world trying to live the dream.